Tuesday, January 29, 2008

And I'm Here!

Well, I'm already in my apartment. Its really pretty nice- there is a tv with cable, wireless and wireless internet, and many extras which are included- such as computer speakers, which I brought myself.

The flights weren't that bad. Dulles -> Frankfurt was long, and there wasn't any person video entertainment, but the food and service were excellent. I didn't watch any movies- but I saw some cartoons, and I finished Two Towers on the plane.

The student coordinator met me at the airport, and I was taken to my apartment. I saw Heroes Square on the way, its wondeful. As I said, the apartment is quite good. Its both pretty and modern. Some things are strange, obviously- such as the teeny tiny washing machine, but it is great.

I am sharing this apartment with one other BSMer, and there is a kitchen and bathroom area here as well.

Then the nice landlord took me out to explore the city. We went through this huuuge mall. It had lots of toys and I will be sure to visit again with lots of forints. Then he had to go somewhere, and I got myself totally lost. And I finally found my way back, tired, on two days with eight hours of sleep.

I can't wait to explore more. And whats for dinner?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks nice! I can't answer what's for supper but whatever it is I recommend you eat lots of it.

Have fun!