Monday, January 28, 2008

Waiting at the Roanoke Airport

Well, this is it! I arrive tomorrow at noon Hungarian time. Its a six hour time difference between Budapest and the US east coast. I leave to DC in 2 hours, and from there to Frankfurt, and there to Budapest. Lots of traveling. I hope there are some good movies to watch in the planes, its really hard for me to sleep on the planes. Especially when I can watch free movies! haha

I have so much luggage- 2 bags at 50 pounds each. I hope its not too troublesome when I get there -- I know I will definitely be accumulating more books, notes, and fun stuff there, so I guess I'll definitely have to ship some stuff back to the states. I hope that won't be too hard.

I've known about this program since the end of high school, and I've looked forward to this program, which you can find out at, for quite a while now. Now that it is actually here, my emotions are pretty jumbled. I'm about to step into a foreign country where I know little to nothing about the food, the culture, and most importantly, the language. I'm leaving the land, the school, and the people I love, albeit just for a few months, but I'm trying on something completely different. Part of me feels like there is no way this can meet my expectations, but I know this program will be completely worth it.

For right now, I'm planning on taking five different mathematics courses, and beginning Hungarian. The math courses are advanced abstract algebra, graph theory (for which the Hungarians are well known for), real functions and measures (an advanced analysis class), mathematical logic (which I've been interested in since Introduction to Logic), and Number Theory I. If its not enough, I may take another, but I'm sure I'll already have plenty to do. There is a three week period to sit in on as many classes as I want, which is nice, so I can experiment and see what I like and what I really don't care for. Hopefully my interest in these classes can also help me decide which graduate school specializes in the studies I'm interested in. I've brought my Abstract Algebra Book and notes, and my analysis textbook, which can hopefully help as references.

I don't know when I'll have internet or the like. I can't wait 'til dinner tomorrow. Will I know what I'm ordering? Or will I just be pointing at random dishes and hoping for the best? Its all going to be very exciting. I shall post my first meal pictures here as well.

Have a great day! I'll be in the air for much of it.


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