Wednesday, January 30, 2008

1st day

Last night, after taking a nap, I went out with my apt. mate and some of his friends to this Hungarian restaurant relatively near our flat. The food was strange- but not bad. I wasn't all that adventurous, and just got the baked penne with minced meat (also with peas). I did take a picture, but it looks no different than normal food, and I don't quite like the picture posting process here, so its not worth anything special. Afterwards we headed to the WestEnd City Center- the mall around here, and I had some great tira misu gelato- for only a dollar!

Then I went home, relaxed around, used the shower- with the hot water heater, with fire inside the bathtub, and had an amazing 14 hour sleep!

Woke up at around 3:30- then went to the same mall which yesterday made me lost, WestEnd, but now its so easy. Ate a lunch/ dinner at Thai Food, after being completely overwhelmed by the choices of food there. There are at least 25+ quick eats in the food court, and everything is in Hungarian, so I can only look at the pictures and the like. I walked back twice, and finally I decided on the Thai, where I had beef noodles which they cooked right in front of us. It was way too much- and I could only eat like half of it. Then I went to OTP to get a bunch of money to pay rent. When back to the apartment, paid rent, then went out to a grocery store nearby to buy a little bottle of sparkling water (I thought it was regular), a big one of regular water, an energy drink, 3 Activa yogurts, 2 croissants, spaghetti mix, and apple juice- for only 1495 forints! Thats only about $8.50!

And now I'm here. And already a little bit tired- but less than before since I drank my energy drink, Burn, which I didn't really know was an energy drink (produced by Coca-Cola). I shall goof off some here, and go to bed, not too late, so I can actually have a 1st real day, tomorrow.


Dima said...

In most of Europe, sparkling water is the default, and you have to ask for still (learn the Hungarian word for it). I don't know if this is true in Hungary, but in the Czech Republic still water had blue caps, sparkling had red and sort of sparkling had green. Have fun in Hungary!!!

Isaac said...

yes! my roomate told me that afterwards. still has blue, sparking has pink, and the other is in between

Anonymous said...

What classes are you taking?

Only math courses are available, right?

Isaac said...

Classes start monday. I have some in mind, as I have said before, but I will try some out for the first three weeks. Some culture and film courses are available, but the only non-math class I will take is beginning Hungarian.

Anonymous said...

you're really messing up your hours, Isaac. What did Will just say today????

Isaac said...

haha. I finally actually slept at 5:30, not too bad considering waking up at 3:30 yesterday~ actually 15 hours of sleep including my 1 our nap! so after getting up 'early' today, tomorrow i should be fine.

Anonymous said...

All I said was that it would be cool if you were nocturnal. Looks like you're getting off to a good start!