Monday, April 28, 2008

back to BP

So i'm back in my cozy little flat in Budapest.

I couldn't wake up for my early class today, sadly enough, but I got caught up.

I got home and I was quite bored. I didn't feel like doing homework at all. So I sat there and finally got distracted with math.

Last week when I was distracted I was playing with the Goldbach conjecture. I got a cool-looking sequence related to it, and I noticed the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences did not have it. I added it, wanting to get it done, and today I surprisingly checked, and there was my entry!! I wish I could work on this topic for my thesis, but it is probably headed nowhere. So today I spent a few hours looking at the percentages of the numbers in my sequence which are prime, finally programming code in Maple checking for it. The numbers fit quite well to a power curve, which is so cool! Ah math makes me happy~~

So I will post pictures tomorrow. And I go to Prague Wednesday morning!! We have a four day weekend. Life is exciting!

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