Sunday, April 6, 2008

a BUSY sunday

Not busy with work. :) That makes it even better! (Well- I should be!)

Woke up at noon-ish. Had a great sleep but still not feeling all that great.

Had a good fried egg. Then went off to play soccer!!

Played soccer in city park. It was a lot of fun! I played mostly goalie, which is definitely my favorite position. Fortunately we played in the grass, so I could dive to make saves. My knees got so muddy, it reminded me of the days long ago when I played baseball and would always slide in the dirt. Our team won every game, coming back in the end from 3-0 to win 5-4. That felt good! Its a lot of fun to make cool saves. I never thought I would play soccer with a castle- in this case it was Vajdahunyad Castle- in the background!

Then I went to a friends and did Combo h/w. It was 1+ hour solving pretty much only 1 problem. :(

Then I went with another friend to the Pink Cadillac restaurant nearby. Our table was right next to a large pink cadillac front stuck in the wall! Had a wonderful pizza- with ham, bacon, ham (albeit a different type of ham), and pepperoni. Couldn't eat it all, so I took some home. Had a wonderful tira misu to cap off the meal.

Came back home, tired, and definitely not doing any work. Time is wasting away. :)

Tomorrow- there is supposedly a transit strike! Which means I'll probably have to walk to school, which really sucks. It is a 20+ minute walk for me. Some people are so reliant on public transportation- they are so far away it would be about a 2 hour walk to school! I'm sure they'll skip. Tomoroow- I'm sure I'll be late to class. At least I'll have a decent excuse!

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