Wednesday, April 2, 2008

what i've been up to....

ahh.... back to work. how sad.
So, yesterday was Combinatorics and Functional. In functional we did a bunch of inequalities and stuff extended to infinite dimensions (such as pythagoreas, parallelogram, cauchy-schwarz), and in Combinatorics we go our midterm back! Ah, its going to be so weird going back to college. Here I get a 78% and it is almost an A (80%).

Not too productive. Finally did understand induced characters in character theory. I should have known that before the midterm, but at least I know it now. hahaha.

Celebrated and watched Ghost World! Was definitely my kind of movie. One with an atypical story, interesting and unique characters, and a unique ending. You guys should check it out.

Went to bed really late. I think I did some work last night, haha. Then I got up at 11-ish for class today.

Set Theory was pretty good today. We did multiplication of ordinals, which made good sense. Talked more about transfinite recursion, which still needs some time to settle in. Then proved the well ordering theorem, a very cool theorem saying every set can be well ordered. Look at R. There is no function that well-orders R, but we know it can be by this existence proof.

Then, Hungarian. Talked about conjugations and usage of come and go.

Went back, did my laundry- with my new detergent. (My whites started to turn to blue! :( ) Went to a friends to work on the Logic midterm, which made much more sense in a group. Went to the store and bought food for tonight.

Some excellent soup! I wonder what it means.

Spent a looong time on number theory reducing a problem down to a much simpler looking problem. Don't know how to solve that one either.

Maybe I'll get my algebra midterm back tomorrow. Uh oh.........


Unknown said...

If you're really wondering about the soup, it's "Liver dumpling soup with spiral noodles (no preservatives!)"

Isaac said...

wow! Liver is everywhere~ That won't stop me! Although next time I'll probably try something different, since there are so many choices. I thought it was a good Hungarian version of chicken noodle soup.