Sunday, March 30, 2008

my weekend

Woke up close to 2 on Saturday. A group of guys were meeting at Heroes Square to go and play soccer. I went, there was a huge group of people at Heroes Square. There was an area barricaded off with a grandstand and a lot of police around. There were Hungarian flags, and some sort of red and white striped flag flying. There were peddlers selling pretzels near the subway stand. Not sure what it was. It made me not be able to find my group, and the other guy's cell phone # I had did not bring his cell. Ah well.

So I wasn't too happy and spent the next few hours on my computer. Finally beat the Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 Demo that I have had on my computer for forever. Still didn't save the vice president.... and my whole square died, but ah well.

Finally got to doin' some work.

Watched the 2 newest episodes of Lost, eating lots of bread and nutella. Jin!! Where are you? A pretty decent cliffhanger- there are no new episodes for a month!

Was going to cook, but my chicken had gone bad. So I made some cabbage for dinner.

Today I woke up relatively early- around 12:30. Last night at 2 the time-change had gone into effect, and we are now an hour later. Went to the gym, saw a friend there. On the way there on the bus passes by the carnival and the zoo. There were SO many kids out there, since it was soo warm today. It broke the 60s, and I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts for the first time, which was really nice.

After that went to the mall, and had a Bronx hotdog, from NY Hot Dog. This is probably one of those American-sounding places that doesn't exist in America. The Bronx hot dog, which I have never heard of before, consists of hot peppers and HOT chili sauce (it seems Thai) on a hot dog. It it excellent and very spicy. It was burning my mouth but I just kept on stuffing it in. These are even cheaper than gyros! Finished off my lunch with a scoop of ice cream to stop the burning.

Did grocery shopping, and went back and finally got some studying done. I answered the Combinatorics really cool extra credit problem, which makes me happy. The problem is as follows:

The names of 100 prisoners are placed in 100 wooden boxes, 1 name to a box, and the boxes are lined up on a table in a room. One by one, the prisoners are led into the room; each may go from on box to another and look in it, but may look in at most 50 boxes and must leave the room exactly as he found it and is permitted no further communication with others. The prisoners have a chance to plot their strategy in advance, and they are going to need it, because unless every single prisoner finds his own name all will subsequently be executed.
Find a strategy for them which has the probability of success exceeding 30%.

Isn't this a cool question? The answer is great as well.

I e-mailed the professor about CHA, and he actually makes me feel more confident, and I'll probably stay in the class longer.

Made a good dinner of chicken (new!) and rice, studied some more, including finishing up my Set Theory homework. Read some of La Boheme, since I have tickets to the show next week.

Its been a good weekend! i/e not too much work. But that I sure to change soon!

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