Wednesday, March 12, 2008

a good day~

woke up at 10:30, without my alarm yet going off, which is always wonderful. did some number theory in the morning before even going to class.

SET class. further discuss into ordinals, now Von Neumann Ordinals. had lunch with the SET professor, Peter Komjath, at the gyro place. that was fun~ ate a falafel gyro with baklava. have you ever had a lunch with a man with erdos number of 1? haha now i have~

then was the language class. spent more time on word endings. then we went to this amazing little coffeeshop in the middle of nowhere that had wondrous pastries.

i got some work done, then i met my friend and a bunch of her classmates at a best western not too far away from here. we wondered around a loong time looking for a restaurant- but not finding anything to our tastes. we went to a place near my apartment, but alas! it was already closed. finally around 9:30 we settled in this pizza place near my apartment. the pizza was quite excellent. it was a lot of fun.

home around midnight- brief bout of number theory. im so ready for my 'midterm' tomorrow. i wonder how i'll do.

tomorrow i want to get a lot of other work done too. lets see how that goes~


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