Wednesday, March 26, 2008

midterm tomorrow!

So, Combinatorics midterm at 8 tomorrow. So obviously I'm going to go sleep soon.

Highlights of the day including having a wonderful chocolate torte after CHA. It was light and flaky, and had a little white creamy layer inside. This is at the most AMAZING sweetshop ever. I will go weekly, and take pictures when I don't feel too awkward. It was a little more than $3.

Got back my Number Theory midterm. Got a 79%. Which is a low A.

Siigh, even more studying is needed for my CHA midterm Friday. Its open book open note. Right now I have a 30% in the class. I have no clue what grade that corresponds to. There are some classes where a 50% is an A. I'm going to do the midterm, wait to get it back, and finally have a chat with my professor.

Also! Had the special taco flavored chicken nuggets at McDonalds for Lunch. They have peppers in them, and come with taco sauce. Very tasty- a bit expensive. I will definitely eat them again, though.

Over and out~

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