Tuesday, March 25, 2008

spring break was too short.

I'm not yet ready to get back to work!

A good Set Theory class today. We talked about Goodstein's Theorem http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodstein%27s_theorem, which is a number theoretical statement unprovable in set theory, but almost trivial in set theory. It was very interesting. It made me disappointed in number theory. I wish that was my only class today.

Then had a good falafel gyro. Still not tired of them.

Then was my language class. I'm not quite sure what we did today. Oh- we had a quiz, which I didn't do very good on (its a whole 5% of our grade). We worked with times today. Hungarians do time very weird. 3:15 is said 15 4. So 15 minutes has elapsed on the way to 4 o'clock. Our professor thinks it is optimistic. I think its rather the opposite, and if you want the days to go faster and you're not happy with what you have.

Then was the Combinatorics review class for Thursday's midterm. I was extremely bored. We went for an hour and a half- until 6:30. I learned how to do one recurrence relation, and didn't pay much attention for the rest of the class. I got back my last homework, which I only missed one on. I'm curious to see how I'm going to do on the midterm, I think I can get at least a B range (probably a little more than 70%). But I have thought about dropping this class so I'll have more time for the other ones.

Got home, had a great dinner. Not much work done- I did read a bunch of LOTR- ROTK today. It was decent, it was about when Aragorn was healing Merry.

I have two midterms in the next three days. I need to STUDY! Siiiigh..................... I'm thinking about traveling all the time now. I'm thinking about Geneva or Copenhagen sometime. Right now I'm leaning towards Geneva. Any advice?

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