Tuesday, March 18, 2008

CHA is making me a little bit crazy

So... I got up late and got my hair cut. They washed my hair and then it was cut. She asked if it was okay if it was a little modern. I said yes. I left with my hair all spiky. Perhaps I'll spike it again if something really exciting is going on.

Trekked off to the airport, reading ROTK on the way. Its about a 1.5 hr journey. Met my mom. NWA had lost her bag! Still in MN, siiigh. they will deliver it to us tomorrow. Took the taxi back. That was only like an hour or so.

Got back- went out to the restaurant. She had goulash, I had chicken with hot fruits. It was good.

Had chestnut dessert. Chestnuts- with rum- are tasty!

Came back and continued my CHA homework. Still obsessed with how to get those 3 extra rows out of the tables. I tried to brute force it with the orthogonality relations. So I had 16 unknown variables, and 33 equations. I cumbersomely put them all into maple and executed. 100 mb of memory later, I got nothing. It was tiring, checking everything. Maybe tomorrow I'll try induced characters. I don't quite get how to use them.

I'm tired already. I think I'll sleep now. I wonder what tomorrow holds~

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