Friday, March 28, 2008

another midterm tomorrow!

So, I woke up early enough and actually cooked myself an egg for breakfast. I thought that would give me more energy for taking my Combinatorics midterm. It may have, but it also made me a minute or two late, haha.

The test wasn't bad. It wasn't at all pleasant though, and I heard the same kind of grumbling throughout the class. There was one problem involving an induction proof among the Fibonnaci numbers, and I tried and tried, and I just couldn't get what I wanted to come out, and that really bothered me.

During the break, I decided not to study and instead read more than an hour of Return of the King. After that I got lunch at the gyros place. For the first time- I actually did not get a gyro! I got yellow rice with a pork(?) potato mix. It was about $2 more than gyro, but it was quite tasty and filling as well.

Number Theory problem solving session was just okay. We were dealing with order, and to get the answers, we had to do lots of brute calculations, and making tables, and that was no fun at all. The book deals very little with this subject but the professor said he thinks it is important for us to completely understand what is going on.

For some reason, Logic was canceled. I went home- 2 hours early- and was not productive at all, haha. Got some good relaxation, then studied and studied. I finally got tired of studying and Character Theory problems, so I took a big long break and played- and beat! Sam and Max Season 1. The ending was quite brilliant (though sadly I had to look at a cheat to finish one part). There is already a Season 2 out, which I will suppose I will be getting one day.

I ate a good dinner of sausages, cabbage, and red pepper, and finished looking through my character theory notes. After studying, I have a more and more feeling that I will probably not end up taking this class. There is too much I do not understand, although I really want to be at that level one day. I am still very happy that I decided about this class, because the material is one of the most interesting things I have ever come upon. That being said, I probably need more background in the subject before completely getting character theory. The professor as always- is amazing- but he is really hard as well.

Well- I'll stop boring you and go off to bed now. I'm planning on visiting Krakow in about a month, and I hope to do Geneva in April as well. I looked at wikitravel sites and it seems that there is more to do in Geneva. I am quite surprised that so many of you are choosing Copenhagen. Any reason?

Oh- tomorrow is my birthday! I should celebrate somehow after my midterm.

And a BIG THANKS for all of you reading. I can't believe it, in the last seven days my blog has had almost 700 hits! Compare that with February- where I had a little less than 600 visits! I guess the pictures are attractive. Pictures are much easier to look at than words, huh? I will be carrying my camera to take pictures of all the interesting things that I have yet to encounter.

Goodbye for now~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where Copenhagen

Legal position The cannabis market is illegal, but it is very rare to be arrested or charged for possessing small amounts.

According to Chris Fowlie, head of the National Organisation for the Reform of Marijuana Laws in New Zealand, who toured the world to research cannabis regulations and culture.

Why? 'In the middle of Copenhagen, in a former army barracks, is a 30-year old squat called Christiania of more than 1,000 people and whose most famous feature is a marijuana and hash marketplace. Governments have constantly threatened to close it but never succeeded. Pusher Street is lined by 20 wooden booths where dealers sell large bricks of exotic hash and baskets of marijuana from around the world.'