Monday, March 17, 2008

a decent day~ nothing too exciting thou

I was thinking about doing a bit more tourist-ing, but I woke up at around noon, nice and refreshed.

Fun things done today include starting to read LOTR-ROTK, finishing up Sam and Max ep 5 and destroying the internet! Hooray! The end of the game was really creative. Watched two tv-show pilots that I had downloaded from itunes for free, New Amsterdam and Canterbury's Law. Liked the second one better, but its not worth buying either of them.

Work includes sitting around pondering a lot about CHA and wondering why Sum(X(g)/X(1)) is rational. I then proceded to try to construct a character table out of two rows, and after adding the identity representation, proceeded to only find the order of the conjugacy classes of 4 of them. Not a lot of progress, but a lot of thinking.

Also did a lot of Combinatorics, which I don't like thinking about. It just sometimes seems like trivial stuff to me, even if I don't know how to do the problem. I have a friend who says she likes it precisely for the reason I don't- because it is more playful than other subjects in math. Well, I guess its reasonable to not like everything in all of mathematics.

Worked some on Hungarian. That isn't fun either.

Did set theory, which was mildly entertaining. Showed the number of bijections from N->N is the continuum. And looked at the functional homework, which looks okay. We already went through the answer in clas, but I won't bother formally solving it. I have a feeling the final in that class isn't going to be a bunch of fun.

Starting applying to a REU at UIUC on geometric group theory, since I have still not really gotten into anything (for that matter of fact, have not been rejected either).

Tomorrow my mom comes. Now I shall sleep.

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