Saturday, March 29, 2008

my 21st!

Was a pretty good day. Not great math, though.

Woke up nice and late, going to Functional Analysis. Professor did a lot of review, since most people weren't in the last class two weeks ago. We covered the Hahn-Banach Thm, which I don't completely understand, but the proof wasn't too bad. I was planning on leaving early to have a good lunch, but the professor let us out early anyway.

Had a tasty lunch of rice and some sort of vegetable and meat mix. Had a little bit too much of tomatoes, but the chickpeas were good. I capped that off with a pistachio baklava desert.

Then was my Character Theory midterm. The professor was a little bit late- so we had been talking for a while. As soon as the professor comes in, and hands us the midterms, my nose starts bleeing- profusely. So, I had to go to the bathroom and waste 10 minutes blotting my nose. Finally I sat and looked at the test. It was so hard! There were three questions, just like the homeworks, and one on induced characters, which I didn't even know was going to be covered. We also had to get as much information as we could from a character table, which is the question I think I did 'best' at. After this, I think I will take the class pass-fail, if, that is, I can pass!

So, I went back home, not too happy. 2 hours later me and two friends went out for a great dinner at Sir Lancelot's Restaurant. ( It was packed, but we were able to get a table. It was great fun. There were people dressed up as knights, squires, and wenches. The menu was a bit difficult to understand, since there were lots of medieval-sounding words used, haha. There were lots of axes and stuff hung on the wall. As we entered, there was a guy playing a medieval-sounding tune, and there was even a stocks! I had the Charm of Sir Vincents- goose drumsticks! They were definitely great. It was a big surprise to cap the meal off, since one of my friends ended up taking care of my meal! I've never had a friend pay for such a nice meal before~

Walked back to my apartment, passed a nice looking sushi restaurant-Wasabi, with the 'sushi train'. I will have to go there sometime in April or May when it gets warmer.

Then went to a space-themed party. One of my friends made an AMAZING chocolate cake for me that was quickly devored. Everyone even sang happy birthday for me. It was a good time~

1 comment:

Megan said...


yay. glad you had a good day. that day infinitely beats mine ;)