Friday, March 7, 2008

12 hours of math! can it get any better?

i think not.

8 AM combinatorics class. was really bored. spent all class talking about Catlan numbers. I am thinking about switchig to Combinatorics B because i think that class is easier and requires less work.

during the break finished up my logic homework and attempted number theory.

NUM1A was great as always. so csaba wanted to contact a girl who was in his class a while ago who had written excellent notes. he said whoever would contact her and get her to e-mail him a message, with your name in it, would get an A in the midterm. thanks to facebook! i was able to find her and make csaba and my grade happy.

we had another problem session today. we did more of fermat- then we moved into Dirichlet's Theorem and Chebshev's theorem. solved fun problems such as 'show there is a prime such that the sum of its digits is greater than 200020012002.' one of my favorite problems was the following, which i have modified slightly. is there a prime power greater than 17 which contains ever digit the same amounts? answer correctly with reasoning and you win eternal blog-fame.

then was LOG. we did Cantors Thm- two dense linear orderings without end points that are countable are isomorphic. and the downward and upward lowenheim skolem theorems, about infinite and smaller models. prof wasn't too happy about our h/ws so we get to redo them.

then i went to a talk on random graphs. i didn't understand too much- there were a bunch of conjectures and proofs of erdos and lovasz. it does seem more interesting than the combinatorics we're doing, but it doesn't seem the best either. i was really interested in the percolation problem- i.e. randomly removing the nodes of a graph and seeing when a liquid can make it all the way through. we also talked a bit about information theory, and how randomness can make data more secure against attacks our outages.

went home and procrastinated. got into a REU at Valpo! its a bit weird since theres no NSF funding yet, but they expect to hear from them in about two weeks. its cool since the project is cryptography, and i'd get to work with a hungarian professor! so although its probably not the hardest one to get in, its one of the ones i'm most interested in. i would have to do it a week from when i get back from hungary- then i would already be missing a week of it, which the professor said would probably be okay.

went out and attempted CHA. have pretty good answers for two of them, and like a 50% answer for the 2nd one. hope to get better ones tomorrow from another comrade in the class. spent a lot of time thinking and another person's house, but not that much actual solving. reminded me of those algebra problem solving sessions in which i got nothing done. got burger king on the way to my friend's apartment- a grilled chicken sandwich with a coke and fries. i was a little bit proud of myself since i ordered it nem paradichom- without tomato! and the lady understood me!

now i sleep. tomorrow is friday! no class until noon! HOORAY

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