Friday, March 14, 2008

FUN with CHA

Up real early to go to COA. More and more on the inclusion-exclusion principle. Not very comfortable with it yet since i haven't worked the problems yet. But it will be on the midterm- next next Thursday. ;(

Tried to get my haircut. But at 10:15- the place still wasn't open. It was going to open in 20 minutes or so. Thats what is a little bit strange about here. It seems a lot of things are taken much more leisurely, and aren't as open as much as back in the States. So I went home with long hair.

Very unproductive in my 3 hour break. Thats where unproductivity is always the greatest. At least my roomate helped me fix my tex software on my computer so I can write real math now.

Went to LOG. Today we discussed decidability as related to computability and completeness. We talked about the Church Thesis, which was good, and we started to discuss recursion.

Went home with a friend- he had lost internet so he came to use mine. Watched the season finale of Terminator. It was so intense. The ending- with the pool, is one of the highest body counts I've ever seen on television, and so innovatively done as well. It better come back next year!

Was decently productive, solving another CHA problem by myself and convincing myself I was right. Had pizza, which was very unique. It was a white sauce pizza with corn, with a lightly fried egg on top. It was tasty~ I'm trying to upload a picture but its not working. So tomorrow, maybe.

Finished up my last character theory homework and was estatic~ I actually understand this stuff. Its very interesting as well. Then I wasted the night away on youtube. Its almost spring break!!!

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