Monday, March 10, 2008

gyros: day number six!

So- I woke up late and didn't leave the apartment until 9:25 AM-ish. I was tired. The bus took almost ten minutes to come- and of course when they come they came three in a row. The first was very very packed so I waited until the second.

By the time I got the the college the number theory midterm-prepare class was over. I saw Csaba right as I walked in the door. He said- it doesn't matter. Its nice already to have an A. but i'd like to understand things nonetheless.

Then was FUN. We had Banach space theory. We talked a lot about BLTs which made me hungry. That is, bounded linear transformations.

So i went and had a gyro after class. this is the sixth class day in a row i've eaten there. i did look at the cafeteria, but it just didn't look tasty at all.

Then was CO1A. It was a decent class. I'm almost caught up which makes me very happy. So today we discussed the inclusion-exclusion principle. Nothing mind blowing, but useful nonetheless. We solved problems such as- how many numbers from 1-1000 are not divisible by 2, 5, and 7.

Went back home on the 73 bus. Walking back to the apartment, and saw the CO1A professor I had just had. Apparently he had taken the 76 bus to the exact same stop as me- but the 76 stops one block to the east. He needed to get to the west and I needed to get to the east. I thought it was entertaining.

Decided to go grocery shopping. I had seen a Kaiser's near the bus stop- across from the mall yesterday, and decided to try it out. I had brought my camera because I wanted to take a picture of the opening of my apartment. On the ground floor is a very nice women's clothing store. There are always mannequins lined at the door, and some that greet me as I enter the apartment. This is an example of the clothes they have. I live in what seems to be a very dense clothes section- there is a mannequin store a block or so away from me.

Kaisers was very nice. I didn't have to walk as much, but I didn't buy that much anyway. Then I went home and started getting stuff done~

Had a good late dinner of egg noodles and vegetables. I couldn't meet up with my friend today, I hope to tomorrow.

My first class isn't until 12 tomorrow, but I'm sure I will be sleeping in close to then anyway. It is SET theory, I really didn't understand my last assignment too well. I think tomorrow in language class we're going to a coffee shop to try out deserts and ordering in Hungarian.
will i have a gyro tomorrow? hmm.

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