Monday, March 3, 2008

an ok monday

CO1A was not much fun today. Was bored after the first hour, we were doing more with linear recurrences and solving big complicated sets of equations. It would be something quite easy for a computer system to do, but for us, it took a while. Had a large hankering for Skittles during the break- they are my feel good candy, but alas the cafe did not have any. For that matter of fact, I haven't seen any here. If I do I shall buy some. We continued the second hour with derangements.

Went outside and had a great gyro in the middle of my classes. It was only 500 forint! And it had everything (except tomatoes) on it. They spoke very good english. I will be sure to return.

The had FUN. Today was integration theory. We talked about integration in a way I had not studied before- i.e looking at the limit of step functions. We went on to prove the big theorem- the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem. It used Jegorov's and wasn't really that hard.

Stopped at the Opera. Bought about 8000 forint worth of tickets to Don Giovanni (the nicest seats!), La Boheme, Swan Lake, and a Midsummer's Night Dream. I will sure be doing a lot of opera in April!

Stopped by Csemgol, bought a bunch of groceries. Including this tasty pastry-thing that I quickly devoured for dessert today after dinner.

Went back to the apartment, and went out in search of the gym. Took the 72 bus for the first time (I'm normally on 73/ 76) and went eastward. Went through the park, saw the gym, the circus (with big huuge clowns), which was entertaining. Quickly found the gym, which was pretty nice. 1 month costs 8000 forint for 16 visits. I was tired today but I'll go back to exercise and buy the membership later. In going back I accidentaly sat on the 74 bus, remembering only that my bus was 1 away from 73. Finally realized I was going the wrong way (we were on the highway for a bit) and got off and retraced my steps without a problem.

Watched Lost- the Constant today. It was weird but of course good and entertaining. The flashbacks were very sudden! Reminded me other time traveling stories though and wasn't too unique.

Ate dinner of Lisa's leftover meal from Saturday night (the beef and rice was good!) and ate a sandwich because it wasn't enough. Then had the yummy fruit dessert.

Did a lot of homework tonight without much procrastination and was very proud of myself. Got caught up with two classes of FUN, did most of my SET due tomorrow, and actually understood and finished a CHA problem. Which made me very estatic. (The problem was- Show g is conjugate to g^-1 iff all the elements in the column of g in the table are real numbers.) Now I have hope again!
Would like to get a lot of sleep since I am a bit sleep deprived. Planning on waking up at 10:30-ish tomorrow to finish my SET. My last problem involves finding the product of all the natural numbers. Fun, huh?
3 hour language class is never much fun, but that is tomorrow. Have a great day! And good night.

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