Friday, April 4, 2008

no more liver soup! how sad.

So. My life has been rather busy recently. I've spent a lot of time looking at flights at skyscanner, trying to plan my travels. After the term is over, the plan is to visit a friend at Oxford for a few days. I have a room to stay in now, so all I have to do is buy the tickets. Still thinking about Geneva and Copenhagen, although tickets are just getting more and more expensive. Part of me wished I had planned all this stuff out earlier, but I've been busy with classes, so I don't have much regrets about how I've been spending my time.

So, how are classes going?

Number theory is doing okay. Definitely not as interesting as I imagined number theory to be. Still a lot about order. "Order is the soul of everything." Not a very interesting soul, methinks. Today at the problem session we really didn't solve problems. Nobody knew what was going on for the first bit, so we had a class problem session.

Character Theory is still awesome. Got my midterm back, of course I did abysmally. I still have some hope of getting a grade, though, since the professor knows I work hard. Lets see how it goes. We started Frobenius Groups.

Combinatorics was okay, we were generalizing inclusion-exclusion. For the second hour today we discussed a simple looking recurrence relation on the homework, but it was in fact more confusing than it looked. It originally confused the prof- he gave the same answer that I had first thought the problem wanted, but then truth came to us, slowly.

Logic was pretty intense. We talked about Godel numbers and the coding of mathematics into the natural numbers. It made a lot of sense, but eventually it became hard to focus since I had been at the college since 8. Even though, I had spent my 2 hour break reading Return of the King (and almost finishing!! the book is happy now!).

There was a talk, but I was tired. Went back home, and tried to sleep, but of course I couldn't.

Before I knew it was time to go out again and meet friends for dinner. Learned a new card game, 'Pounds', which was a lot of fun. Had some good stew with dumplings, and a salad, all cooked by my friends, which was excellent. Good conversation as well.

Now its now. Tomorrow is here already.


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