Tuesday, April 22, 2008

i've been good

supremely productive on some days- such as saturday, and not so much on others- like yesterday.

I forgot to mention that last week i DID beat Commander Keen 4, which was niice to get out of the way. I did download FIFA international, and spent some time this weekend on it, bringing back more memories, but it got bothersome, when I played a game and had 50+ shots on goal but never scored.

It was sad- there was no soccer this weekend!

And Sunday I spent a lot of time looking at travel sites. I probably won't be able to go to Poland next weekend, even though I bought tickets, since I have class on Saturday (!!!)- Functional, as a makeup, and that will be the second to last class before the final. Oh well, now I'm thinking Vienna after the term is over for a day or two. I'll come back one day~

Last night I was over at some friend's, who had a Passover dinner. It was the first time I had jewish food, and it was rather tasty as well.

Today was impressive since I actually turned in my Combinatorics homework on time. This is the first time~~~

Now we're doing a lot of graph theory. I have pages of graphs scattered on my desk- I'm trying to find a 8 vertex graph which is isomorphic to its complement. I enjoy the guess and check method! I'm actually getting curious about graph theory. We did some cool stuff about planar graphs on Klein Bottles and such. I think functions on graphs would be unique.

Functional is good. Last class we were talking about some rather interesting stuff related to dynamical systems (shift spaces are cool!). Today we did the Radon-Nykodym derivative.

Today was rather productive- I even did two loads of laundry. It is so hot here so things dry fast. I have opened the window but there is no screen so I am hoping there will be no major bug problem. Last night I had minor trouble sleeping because of the hot-ness.

Watched Rob Roy tonight- it feels a lot like Braveheart, but it really is very different (maybe a bit more Hollywood-ized), but there are definitely some amazing sword-fights. Part of me felt like- this is where Qui-Gon learned how to light-saber!

Tomorrow- class from 12-6. eww

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