Tuesday, April 8, 2008

i'm hurting.

So, last night when I went to bed, right when I laid down I figured out a solution to a Set Theory h/w problem about the number of permutations of the natural numbers. That was nice, but annoying as well, since I had to get up and go downstairs to write the answer.

Woke up hurting. Diving and playing goalie for 2 hours really takes a toll. It hurt to walk- and I had to walk to class today! That really wasn't very exciting. I finally got to take a picture of the church near our school, though. And I also went to this pastry shop for breakfast, the pastries were very tasty. I don't know what exactly was in them, but I'll definitely be eating there more.

I got into functional about 20 minutes late, but only 4 others were there. We were doing the 'cornerstone' of intro to functional analysis- the Banach Steinhaus Thm. We ended class with a lively discussion of compact hypersurfaces in 10 dimensions. The professor got excited and talked 15 minutes over. That led to Combo, where we had a basic intro to Ramsey Theory.
Went home. The strike ended at 1:00, so I could take the bus back home! I finished my cold pizza, and decided to head out to the baths. As soon as I went out and stood outside, waiting for the bus, the rain started coming down hard. I was disappointed and went back in my apartment. I will go tomorrow morning, since I don't have class- Set Theory prof is in a conference in Canada. Then for Hungarian we're going out to eat!
Didn't do much else the rest of the day but complain how much I hurt to myself. Did some character theory review, but the stuff about frobenius groups is so much more difficult than the previous stuff, I probably can't take it any more, but I'll be giving the homework a try. Did number theory order problems, and caught up a bit in Combo.
Tomorrow- I'm waking up early -no matter what- to go and sit in the hot water of the prettiest bath of Budapest. Pictures will follow.

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