Tuesday, April 15, 2008

seeing Dima the mammoth

So today I've been doing loads of work to make up for all the fun I've been having recently- such as Commander Keen 4 and watching Hitman yesterday (which wasn't all that good...). I went to the National History museum- there is a special exhibit there. A REAL wooly mammoth, found nice and preserved in Russia in the 70s was what I came to see. It is 40,000 years old. But there were lots of other fun things as well.

I like wolves.

These eyes were very creepy

I always enjoy the action poses.

Some kind of ice age rhino.

Saber tooth tiger.

A mammoth eating. In Dima's stomach, scientists found pretty much only mud and clay which seems to indicated the mammoth's struggle.

This was cute. It was really sad there were no mammoth stuffed animals. In America you can bet there would be tons of statues, postcards, stuffed animals, toys, and the sort. Here- nothing!

This is Dima. Its pretty cool because you can even see some of the original hair left on the body.

I think this means ice age.

Its been fun. My next exciting day shall be Thursday. I have class from 8-4. Then I wish to attend an exciting talk about the characterization of finite groups. Then its off to the Opera to see Don Giovanni, a 4 hour opera.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ha szereted a farkast (az én szívemhez is közel áll), ajánlom Petőfi egyik legismertebb versét, A Farkasok Dalát. Ha akarod, angol fordítást adok - az én fordítasom jobb azoknál, amelyeket eddig láttam.