Friday, May 23, 2008

and just like THAT! the term is over....


My number theory was 8-10 AM. I had finished by 9:30, it was a cinch, I had solved 5/7 definitely right. Solving congruences are very satisfying.

Then was logic. That was... um, logic. It wasn't too bad.

Then I was done! I decided to do some more tourist-ing. My first destination- parliament! I wanted to do a tour and see what's inside.

The last two pictures commemorate the 1956 revolution.

And of course when I went they weren't giving tours. So I decided to wander around freedom square, SE of Parliament.

Here is where the American Embassy is located. I took a picture, then a policeman screamed at me "No pictures!" Security is amazing. There was also a block in the road. None of the other embassies in the square were protected like that. It feels good to be an American.

Then- I headed to the second largest synagogue in the world (#1 is in NYC). I got tickets to do a tour. It is very impressive. Fortunately it survived WWII- the Germans knew the Americans wouldn't bomb it, so they used it for the Gestapo. But of course they did a lot of rebuilding anyway.

Glass paneling.


The pulpit. Note the organ. So this is not an orthodox church.

The holocaust tree in the garden.

Then I decided to go visit the Castle that I have never seen near Heroes Square, and visit Anonymous. This is where Paul Erdos used to go and do math.

I headed home, preparing for Vienna!

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