Saturday, May 31, 2008

my adventures finally come to a close.

last week


i was off to tour parliament. of course, by the time i got there, this time all the tickets had sold out. this was my second time, and the policeman was telling people to come back at 8 AM tomorrow to buy tickets. so much for that.

in the afternoon we had our going away party, where we got our transcripts. before this was my last time at kiray gyros, which was sad. i got the HUGE lunch- they gyros plate, which was expensive too, but quite worthwhile. then at the party, we got to say goodbye to a lot of good friends we had met, as well as a few professors. champagne was involved as well.

the night i went with some friends to a bar, ended up playing spades which is always a lot of fun. when it was getting late, me and a friend (it was her last night) walked aroud budapest for a few hours. it was disappointing since the lights on things such as parliament was not turned on. i heard after midnight, they turn them off.


a nice relaxing day. i continued to pack. i did have tickets to don juan but i decided to hang out with friends instead. we went to Marxism Pub, a pizza place with Communist decorations. I had a delicious, and cheap, Tschiakovsky Pizza with beans on it. Then we appropriately were headed to the new Indy movie to see him defeat Communism. It was a decent movie, my friends were bigger Indy fans and more disappointed. but it was a quite nice movie theatre.


it was my last outing. so I went to Szechenyi baths again, this time equipped with my camera. this time I was smart enough to find the indoor baths, which are nothing compared to Gellert's. it was nice to sit in the hot-ness, but i think i enjoyed this better a few months ago, when it was colder, and thus the baths seemed hotter. i did discover the 16 degree pool indoors though, which livened up things quite a bit.

The inside baths.

This was the cooler bath, but it was a lot of fun. The outside circle propelled you around, so you could go round in circles without even trying.

I was out, so I figured I would treat myself to a nice dinner. It was very nice- mushroom sirloin, at a place right near Szechenyi recommended by my guide book.


i pack. it is not much fun. in the afternoon i go and exchange my forints to dollars. i get $300. i finish off packing, and have a leisurely rest of the day at home (including some instant soup, i didn't like the cherry flavor though), and ready to leave early monday.

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