so a week or so ago, when going to what used to be my favorite store, i went and bought a bunch of things, including $10 Haagen Daas, and my final bill came out to about 5,200 ft. I was impatient in the checkout line, and I switched to another, which promptly became slower. I should have known something was wrong, when the lady in front of me got change in 50 ft coins. I gave 10,200 ft to the lady, and just needed a 5,000 bill back. She said some stuff, I didn't understand. She wanted a 500 ft bill from me, and then gave me back a 1,000 ft. I didn't understand what was going on- I was still owed a lot. So I said a bunch about "ut ezer forint" back.
Finally the manager came. She pointed to the camera. I assumed she would be looking at the security camera to see if I actually paid 10,000 ft. I know I did- I even saw the lady put it under the cash register with the rest of the high bills.
I wait, confused, and finally she comes back, and says a lot of stuff to me. An nice elderly gentlemen comes back to me, and tells me he can translate a bit. He ends up telling me the store 'ran out of money', so I'll need to wait for my change.
I think this is ridiculous. I sit there for 10 minutes, my ice cream melting, and finally they give me back 4,000 ft. What happened to the extra 500 ft? I didn't want to argue any more.... so I took it. The manager lady- I think- apologized to me. I then left, never to come back again.
I was longing for America soon after that, hahaha.
Two finals tomorrow! Then I'm done!!!! And I'm going to Vienna for two days, starting Tuesday!
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