Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Prague- Day 2, part 1- Karlstejn

Ah- what I'd give to be a travelin' again. Now I'm all busy studying for my Functional final on Friday. It seems like ages (less than a week ago!) that I was here.

The train was a 1.5 hr ride from Prague.

I didn't quite know where to go after arriving in Karlstejn, but I just followed the masses. They turned out to be right.

One of the first spectacular views of the castle.

A violent statue.

Inside the castle walls.

Its like DisneyLand!

Looking down the well.

It was hard to resist buying one of these fun collectibles near the castle. There were lots of touristy things nearby, including souvenir shops and a wax museum!

Near the train station. Aah, nature.

It was beautiful. After the hour or so staying there and walking up the hill, I went back to Prague, and caught another train to Kutna Hora.

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