Saturday, May 3, 2008

Krakow- day 3. Or. what happened 6 days ago.

We spent much of our last day, before our 2:30 bus ride, wandering around, and spending time at Krakow castle.

A very interesting street sign. Any clue what it means?

Mmm... wild boar!

Firethrowers in the square.

Our hostel.

A view from the castle.

Past a closed gate.

The gate crashing down on me.

Castle flowers.

Castle tower.

In the Jewish District.

This graffiti was very commonplace. No idea what it meant.

Statue of Pope John Paul II. He was Polish.

These bread stands were very prevalent, and had very good bread- and cheap! They reminded us of an everything bagel. Krakow claims to be the founder of the bagel.

Then we boarded the bus. Krakow was a very nice city to explore. It was quite small and cozy, and very easy to see on foot. The city, and the people as well, gave the same feeling as Budapest.

Mountains on the bus ride.

No idea where this is.

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