Wednesday, March 19, 2008

more CHA! and kabobs! a great day!

Went out to the end of the yellow line and went to the fair. Some girls came up to us in the subway and asked us to sign our names on a piece of toliet paper. It was odd. Walked along Vaci Street to the Central Market. Some more girls came up to us here. I asked them in English what was going on. They said that had a 'stupid exercise' at their school. Still was confused, but signed anyway.

Then spent a bunch of time at the Market, including some more cabbage streudel. Bought a bunch of fruits here- which turned out to be quite tasty. Tried on a gas mask- which was little over $10, which was entertaining.

Went back and ate kabobs at the fair, and went in Gerbeaud and had a cappucino torta. The luggage people called, so we went back to the apt and got the luggage.

Did a lot of CHA. I finally came around the problem and figure out the rest of the character table. That was an amazing feeling- hours and hours of thinking and no solutions finally paid off!

Went to the mall and shopped at the Match. Lots of groceries~

Mom cooked a very good smelling dinner. The smell still lingers~

Finished up some CHA. So now I'm done with 75% of that homework, which is nice. I'm not 100% of every answer, but this really makes me feel more and more like an algebraist~

Did a teensy bit of LOG, but as usual, I really don't know how to apply the compactness theorem and don't quite understand the question. Perhaps talking it through with friends will help later.


1 comment:

david santos said...

Great posting, Isaac!
I loved this blog. Thank you.

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