Monday, February 25, 2008

4 days 'til the weekend!

8 AM NUM1. Way too early for Csaba. We start off with congruences, and spend class on them, and by the end we're at Fermat's Theorem. Elementary number theory- Done! I can't wait to see whats next.

Then was FUN. We talked about measure theory, the Cantor Set (yay!), and the niceness of Borel Sets.

Had a good lunch of pasta and pork. Then had COM. Was lost for pretty much a lot of class, since I was tired and not focused, and I had missed the makeup class, since I decided to attend Number Theory. Did recurrence relations, that wasn't bad. Had some similiarity to the homogeneity and non-homogeneity of ODEs. We defined the Fibonnauci Sequence as a function, which was fun.

Went back. Tried to do homework but wasn't very sucessful. Spent a looong time staring at Stirling Number of the Second Kind and generating functions without much success. Not having much fun with Combinatorics, thats for sure. 'Proved' problem 1 on CHA, and convinced myself I'm right. I'm pretty sure its not.

Did laundry. It takes time to dry and my towel is not yet dry. What will I do?!

Ate some leftover pasta for dinner. Watched American dad, which was fun.

Was very, very unproductive. Did apply to a Cornell REU!

I'll go to bed early today. First class is at noon tomorrow, but haven't even done my Hungarian homework yet. It will be very easy, and I'll take care of it in the morning.

I end with a picture. Notice what Stonehenge is flanked to on the right. I never remember!

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