Saturday, February 23, 2008

How much homework this weekend?

Woke up at 11, so had a good 9 hour sleep.

FUN was fun. We played more with ultrafilters, which was absolutely fascinating. Defined an omega-limit. So EVERY function has a limit! We talked more about probability in the urn, and proved the Vitali Theorem. We began the discussion of Borel Sets, which are 'nice', such as open, closed, G delta, F sigma, G delta sigma..... and so on. Next week is measure theory!

The professor is still amazing. He is from the Renyi Institute. According to Csaba, the Renyi people are those who only research, and do not normally teach. Doesn't that sound like a great job? Which means, according to him, they are quite eccentric. He was only 2 years younger than Elek, and they went to the same highschool, and they had fun together, but he says non-mathematicians might not like him. I can't understand why!

So the class is good, but I'm a little concerned because everything is the final. Of course there are homeworks along the way, but they are never formally graded, so you might no be 100% sure you're right, and you don't know his grading style as well. I think soon I'll be buying the book to work hard and understand better.

So we got out like 30 minutes early. I didn't know what to do, so I decided i might as well try langos again. I went to the stand, actually looked at the menu, and ordered a langos with ham and cheese. They were out of that, so they gave the bolognai langos instead. It was like a small pizza, with cheese on top, and tomato sauce with some kind of meat. It was not as oily as before, and it was really quite tasty. I walked around a few blocks, giving myself plenty of time to finish the snack, and still ample time to get to class. I was satisfied, but a little bit too full~~
Then was 1.5 hrs straight of intense CHA. We proved a bunch of stuff, including Wedderburn's Theorem, amd after class was over he couldn't resist continuing for a bit, and we proved two things that he showed the first day of class- the number of conjugacy classes is the same as the dimension, and the sum of the squares of orders of the representations add up to the order of the group! I understand most of it, but since we are going through the book pretty linearly, it will be a good reference.
We also got our new homework. It does look intimidating yet again. I hope I can understand more of it this time- one of the problems comes directly from the book. If I can't do the next couple courses, I may simply have to audit the class. But I'm going to try my best. Auditing= taking Algebra with Siehler next year, which would be fun! I'm still very interested in the subject.
I'm trying to further compare analysis and algebra to see my likes and dislikes. It seems like algebra always make more logical sense to me, and nothing is too far-fetched.
But analysis is always much more mind-blowing! Perhaps it is the infinite that makes it more perplexing, but it seems like this is just as intriguing- albeit in a very different way. I wonder what I will be~
Got back, and was very tired. Tried to nap for an hour and a half but that didn't quite work.
Finished my leftovers from last night for dinner.
Watched Moonlight Mile. Not bad at all. Downloaded
Transformers for next time!
Actually did some homework as well. Reviewed FUN, and did some SET. I hope to actually go around the city some this weekend, if at all possible, and not be holed up in this apartment any further.
Good night!
ps. sorry for the spacing problems. blogger is not very smart on this issue.

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