Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Yay Dollar!

A pretty excellent day. Had only two classes, classical algebra, and then functional analysis. Classical analysis was about polynomials, and was pretty much a recap of my first and second day of Galois, and ome number theory.

I talked to Csaba a bit about the algebra courses. They both sound very daunting. AAL currently has 18 or so, usually only 6 survive. CHA now has 8- and he says only 3 survive that course. The funny thing is that Csaba had the CHA prof Pelikan when he was an undergraduate, and he didn't get an A!

Functional analysis was good. Got our first homework, which actually is never due, but still needs to be done. We discussed the Arzela-Ascoli Theorem, the Baire Category Theorem, and found some weird analysis examples that tend to confuse.

Went home, exuberant that classes had finished so early, and ate lunch- the leftover mexican sandwich, and some mushroom chips. They were actually pretty tasty. They had enough non-mushroom flavor to taste good, but still retained their mushroom-ness.

For the first time I tackled doing the laundry. A bit complicated, and hard to close, but it was a pretty easy process. 2.5 hr later it was still going, and finally I realized I had not turned the water on! Then I did, and it was a simple process. I'm in the bathrom taking pictures- I figured I might as well show you what the hot water heater thing looks like.

Took a nap. Paid rent. Realized that the dollar was doing extremely well. Both times I withdrew I got the same amount of forints, but when I checked my bank statement, this time was 7.3% less US dollars. When you're withdrawing a lot of money, that can be a lot. Now 1000 forint is about $5.50. So you can easily buy a meal for less than that. Today I had dinner at the mall, got a weird spaghetti thing with a fanta. I thought the spaghetti had meat, but to my chagrin the meat was actually sun-dried tomatoes! But it was still tasty. And it only cost 910 ft!

Watched the new episode of Lost as well. Not as crazy as the last one, but still pretty exciting, and couldn't believe it was over.

And did an abstract problem! Yay! For the first part I pretty much copied the solution out of last term's homework. Good thing I brought the notes, the homework, and the book here!

Tomorrow I will be much busier. :(

Now I recharge.


Anonymous said...

Why are you worried about grades for? Its all P/F anyway.

PS polynomials are the worst

Isaac said...

Well... the transcripts will be submitted to grad schools!

The kingdom not doing you very well? Thats too bad...

Anonymous said...

right....cuz i'm the prince.