Went to number theory at 10. Was a really good class, we did a lot of fun proofs. Including finally quickly running through the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic. What made me happiest is when we showed at least 3 ways that there are infinitely many primes,
Then went home for a break. Ate lunch and watched Gordon Brown live at the Parliament on Sky News. That was not very entertaining.
Took the subway to CHA. Today was a shortened class, since afterwards was his office hour. We talked about Shur's Lemma. It was interesting- I had seen it before in much simpler form in Linear Algebra. He mentioned that he knows physicists that think it is an astounding result, while mathematically, it is quite simple. I thought that was funny.
I went to a friends apartment and looked through the logic homework- I had not yet purchased the book. Unfortunately for the Theory of Computing folks I found the book quite fascinating. It contained the Church Theorem, and Godel- we will learn both. So there is little chance of me taking Computing any more. Which means the class will die. My opinions surely seem to change post to post.... but I came in wanting to take logic, and I definitely still want a taste of it.
The friends apartment was near the mall.... so I wandered around the mall for a few hours. Went to a libri and bought 2 nice Hungarian-English and English-Hungarian dictionaries. They come with a CD, which I have not yet opened. Then wandered around some more- including going into an Esprit- and then went into the arcade. Played Sopranos pinball, quickly losing my 200 forint. Then decided on the star wars 1993 sega arcade game, my all time favorite arcade game. I loved it and will definitely go back. The sound was much lounder than what I remember playing when I was small, so I was much more immersed. I only spent like 400 forint on it, and it lasted me 20 or so minutes. I think something was wrong- because the machine kept on saying insert more money after I had died, but I just pressed the start button and it let me keep on going, but finally it told me game over. I think with 1000 forint I can easily beat it. I beat it when I was little, probably with 15 dollars of quarters~
Went to the match and bought some food to cook and some meat and stuff for sandwiches. I figured I was in the mall so I might as well eat there. Got a tasty (but a little cold) chicken leg and potatoes for 699 forint. Then had some ice cream for desert. Its so hard to resist dessert here.....
Went back
So... I've chosen on Combinatorics 1A, Functional Analysis, Number Theory 1A, Set Theory, Character Theory of Finite Groups, and Mathematical Logic. I bought the Character Theory book, and the Combinatorics book as well- which is not required, but looks to be a good reference. They were expensive! Ah well, they will serve me well in my days of math.
Theres still a slight possibility that SET won't work, because a room has still not been found to hold the class, but I still have much hope. If that doesn't work, I'll guess I'll go with THC.
Tomorrow is registration-date. Prof Humke (who is already in Budapest!) will be there as well. Everybody thinks I am crazy for desiring six classes, not including the language, but I have faith. I didn't come here to have fun~ I came here to learn, damn it! And since two of the classes are reading anyway, I would only have a total of 22 class hours per week. Keep in mind that there are always breaks, and one hour is pretty much 45 minutes. Let's compare this to my last term at W&L. I took 15 credit hours. This was 18 hours of class, with 55 minutes of class each hour. So its actually less time in class each week. Not all the classes can be that hard, especially the intro ones. I know CHA and FUN will be, but as of now I'd want to learn the material. If its all too much, though, I can easily change to audit, and then I get to go to the class but not work. How fun is that?!
If I was here another semester, I would lighten up my load. But I'm not. I'm sure I'll go to Europe another time in my life, with much less cares, but I'll never be in this same position again.
Actually you did go there to have FUN.
FUN = FUN(ctional) analysis
FUN = FUN(demential theorem of arithmetic)
Most definitely. To put it in an even simpler way, Fun=Math! But the others don't understand....
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