Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Not much class, but tired anyway!

Was planning to go to algebra. The alarm woke me up but my nose was stuffy. I thought that was a good enough excuse not to go, and sleep another hour. Later I heard the professor talked about how groups of order p^m*q have normal subgroups, but he couldn't quite get through the proof. He is the kind of professor that doesn't refer to notes while teaching- which I like, but sometimes it can lead to problems. I suppose I won't be attending this class any more. How sad.

Went to class about 20 minutes before class started, and caught the bus right when it arrived. Got to the college a couple minutes before class started. Had enough time to buy a yummy strawberry drink (it was 25% real strawberry!) at the cafe. It was time for THC. Today we proved the pumping lemma, which was really quite simple and obvious. We went on to define context-free grammars, and we went onto define pushdown automaton. This is different because it has an infinite queue, so it can recognize languages such as the same number of 0s and 1s.

I will probably take this class. Will see how logic turns out to be sure, though. Whether or not I take the class is whether or not the class exists~~

Went back home, and distracted myself and ate lunch for a while. Then off to class at 2:15. It was my language class. We learned about adjectifying nouns, more about conjugating verbs, which I really don't like, and things about infinitives. I really don't know what an infinitive is. And I really don't want to know either. We also did miming with vocab words, a staple of language classes everywhere. Not a bad class, but 2.5 hours is just too long.

Had dinner at the mall. My first Chinese food (not cooked by me) here! It was this dark sweet chicken. It came with white rice with some peas and carrots, and I also got a Japanese green tea drink. It wasn't bad at all. Although it was relatively expensive at 1450 forints, I will defintely go back.

Went grocery shopping, but unfortunately forgot to bring enough money, so just bought some essential items. So I'll have to go back tomorrow for dinner! Well, that isn't all bad. I wonder what tasty food is waiting for me tomorrow. Fortunately, the walk to and fro today wasn't all that cold.

Did some work, but not nearly enough. Looked at and pretty much finished all my number theory problems due Thursday, which was a big success. Number theory is so enjoyable, I've always thought it is the most elegant branch of all mathematics. I wonder if I will still think that after I've had a course in it.

Awkwardly spilled a bunch of water on my desk tonight. Fortunately my computer is on a little pad with fans, because otherwise it overheats. I am fortunate I stupidly damaged one of the fans before, so I had to buy the pad, but otherwise my computer might have been flooded! Ah, life sure is funny sometimes!

Tomorrow my first course- number theory, is at 10, but I shall go a little early to get to the director and buy a Combinatorics textbook for reference, and also my character theory textbook. I think I will commit! Commitment is exciting, but also nervewracking as well. Let's see how this journey goes~

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