Friday, February 22, 2008

At least tomorrow is Friday

I've spent the last four+ hours working on Character Theory Homework. This homework has made many people already change their minds and decide to only audit the class~~ I have a very good idea of what is going on in class, but the homework is very different. Now I have some idea about the homework. I shall- for now- trudge on!

I would like to sleep. Its been a long day. It was nice seeing Prof Humke today in his W&L hat~ tomorrow he is giving a talk at a mathematician's 60th birthday party celebration, entitled A little bit of this and a little bit of that. I wish I could go.. I have character theory in the middle. Ah well.

Will definitely give more updates tomorrow morning, if I wake up early enough. My first class is at noon~ I have registered! Yes- I did kill THC.

I saw LOST today as well. How could you Sayid!!!!

Good night~

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