Friday, February 15, 2008

Actually doing stuff other than class...

Got up around 11, without my alarm. That was nice.

Went to NUM1A. Today was the problem solving session. That was a wonderful experience. Had 2 hours to work on a variety of problems, including such as 'For what numbers are 2^n -1 and 2^n +1 both prime? And prove for any integers x and y if x^2 + y^2 is divisible by 4 then both x and y are even.

Then, I went to LOG. It was pretty intense. The professor was scrawling many definitions up on the board, after we finish first-order logic, with the compactness theorem. Not quite sure I'm going to take the class any more, will see how next week goes. He himself said this stuff is boring, you just need it for everything else. I will also see how the homework is.

Went to the Renyi Institute, and watched N is a Number. This is a documentary about Paul Erdos. He was such an eccentric guy. He had no home, and simply traveled the world to do mathematics, getting paid to give talks, and staying with fellow mathematicians for periods of time. It was awesome seeing him walk down the exact same steps we had just walked up to go into the room to see the movie. One of the best quotes of the movie was, "If there was no math, there would be no Paul Erdos."

Then decided to go and see a concert by the Budapest Concert Orchestra at the Bela Bartok National Concert Hall. Student tickets, although very high up, were only 200 ft- or a little more than 1 dollar! Grabbed a hot dog before, and this was more expensive than the ticket.

Hungarian classical music was played. I listened to KODÁLY: Dances of Galánta, KAMILLÓ LENDVAY: Piano Concerto, and BARTÓK: The Miraculous Mandarin - ballet with animated motion picture. I thought the first was the best, but the second two just didn't match up. This is funny because my metro stop is named after Kodaly. The animation -although unique- was very strange and abstract, and I didn't think it flowed that well with the music either.

Went back home. It took about 30 min to get home. First took the train, then the tram, then the subway. I had never taken the train or tram before, but with my friends' help, it wasn't hard at all.

I saw the Danube for the first time today, and I also saw Gellert Hill, a hill with Hungary's Liberty Statue, erected by Soviets commerating Nazi defeat. I shall definitely visit this later, perhaps when it is warmer.

Tomorrow I only have 2 classes as well. What a wonderful life~

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