Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The long days continue...

First AAL was supposed to have office hours from 8-9, but everybody showed up, and I awkwardly slept in and came at 8:40. The first class wasn't very useful, and in the second hour we started talking about Sylow's Theorems- tomorrow we shall prove them. The class is still good, but it seems that the professor doesn't provide much motivation- he simply goes through the notes on the blackboard, leaving me not completely satisfied. That is another check that goes to CHA.

Then I had THC. Unfortunately this time only 3 people, including me, were in the class. It still seems pretty interesting, as we were getting more focused on the idea of regular and nonregular languages. If there are less than 3 people this class will not be offered, and it seems really unique, so I'd still like to take it. SET still might change its time, so it is contingent on a lot of things.

I then had a two hour break where I attempted to work. That didn't work out so well. Breaks in the schedule are not much fun.

Then I had my 2-5 Hungarian Language class. It was long. We worked with more verb conjugations and the such. Why do languages even have verb conjugations in the first place? It seems so useless. Chinese is really the best, grammar wise. Read some dialogues as well. Before class, during the break, and while eating, I had memorized the numbers 1-10 in Hungarian. They go something like this: egy, kat, harom, negy, ot, hat, het, nyolc, kilenc, tiz. That made me proud. I'm not very good at learning languages....

Got back, played a bit of Sam and Max, episode 4. It is titled 'Abe Lincoln must die.' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4khnsrhXjLU It was getting late so I decided to head out to the mall, yet again, for dinner. This time I went to a grill place, and got a 'steak' on a bed of fries and some chopped cabbage and onion. The steak turned out to be grilled chicken, and there was some white sauce on top of it, but it was really tasty- probably the best thing I've eaten at the mall so far.

Got back, and did my AAL h/w. That wasn't very much fun. I had to prove the orbit-stabilizer theorem, which I conveniently copied from last term's notes. The notation is probably 'wrong', but its the right way anyway, and if the professor doesn't like it he can tell me.

Tomorrow will be another AAL class, and I will have CHA as well. A good day to compare them, perhaps.

I actually didn't nap today! I did have an tasty Italian Espresso from the coffee machine at the college. But now I'm tired, and I have to wake up early again tomorrow. No fun! So good night!

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