Saturday, February 16, 2008

Its cold~

Got up at 11. Choco-puffs knock offs for breakfast with a croissant.

Actually did a moderate amount of homework today! My theory of computing problems were very interesting, and are motivating more and more for me to take the class. Answered a combinatorics problem that was bugging me for a whole week. Not quite sure about the answer, though. Its not a huge deal, though- for most classes an 80% is an A, and I think with work a percentage close to this should be acheivable.

Played some more Sam and Max Episode 4. Now Max is president. Hooray!

Didn't have any bread yet so just ate meat and cheese for lunch.

More work- including reviewing Abstract Algebra (which wasn't very interesting to me). Went out to the Match to buy a bunch of groceries, including replenishing my big bottle of water, some more bread, cheese, and some very interesting meat -with a picture of a girl holding the meat donning a very strange hat on the package. Got some more delicious desserts and some more breakfast food.

The walk to and fro the mall was sooo cold! indicated it was supposed to feel about 15 degrees outside. And the walk there the wind is always blowing heavily. I had my earmuffs and chiefs had on, and my sweater, scarf, and heavy jacket on. It kept everything warm except my face, which felt half frozen after the ten minute walk. Of course when I entered the mall I felt like I was on fire, because I was so hot! Oh well, it is supposed to get much warmer over the next couple of days~~

Then I went to dinner with some friends. Went to a Hummus Bar. I ordered the most, getting a complete plate and some kind of soup. The soup- which I got just because I wanted somethign warm- was a bean soup, and tasted good. The complete plate had falafels, mushroom, chickpeas, and some other grounded mix all with hummus. I ate this with two pitas, and didn't finish a lot, but it was pretty good, especially the falafel. There was some diced pickle dip that came with it, and I thought that made it tastier. I was sort of missing the meats, but it wasn't a bad dinner. It cost 1800 ft, so it was relatively expensive, only because I had ordered so much.

Did my laundry. I also attempted to do homework when I got back. Was already tired, though. I probably did about 3 hours of intensive thinking today. I'm not yet used to that. I want to get up early tomorrow, to do more thinking! Fun, huh?

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