Sunday, February 10, 2008

A two-day weekend is just too short

Went out to Octogon today for the first time, in pursuit of a grocery store, since I didn't feel like going to the mall yet again. Seems like a relatively touristy area since I heard a few English speakers. At the store, a lady came up to me, talking, and I had no idea what was going on. Then she asked if I spoke English. I nodded, and then she asked me if I knew where the butter was. I had no idea. I was confused, and looked at the cheeses for a while, and then slinked away.

Bought a bunch of strange things- including the mushroom chips. I am curious to see how they taste. I also bought a prepacked mexican sandwich, which I ate for lunch. It tasted pretty good- like a chicken taco! Except in a sandwich!

Did a lot of skyping. And some mathing. My math feels rusty. I better get up and running soon! I also applied for Joseph Gallian's REU at UMN-Duluth.

Had a dinner of chicken cordon bleu with vegetables. Had just bought a frozen package of them, I cooked too much but I ended up eating it all. I also really enjoyed the pear drink that I had. I don't even think that exists in the States.

Only 4 hours of class tomorrow! That will be very nice.

Good night!


Anonymous said...

goomba chips.... i wonder if Mario eats those

Isaac said...

haha! i'm sure he does. especially since they're actually tasty~