Sunday, February 10, 2008

Finally- a day without class!

Got up late and had a relaxing day! Reviewed some math- not nearly enough, though. Finished Sam and Max, Ep. 3. That was fun!

Went to dinner at the mall. Had a yummy spicy gyro. The conversation with the lady was very awkward, since she knew a little bit of english, but not enough, and she kept on saying the wrong word. Afterwards had my excitement of the day -- a wonderful berry flavored ice cream cake desert, topped with three berries and some pretty decoration. I wish I had taken my camera.

Was going to go shopping, but the store in the mall closes at 9. Had enough time to go to the media mart- a Best Buy like store, with tvs, computers, laundry machines, etc. to buy batteries for my mouse and calculator, which were relatively expensive.

Watched Star Trek 3. Not bad!

Tomorrow maybe I can get more done. But I need to get caught up on not working.


Anonymous said...

Aren't weekends the best? I heard you're going to work with Gallian this summer.

Isaac said...

yes they are! applying for him, yes~

Anonymous said...

Yay! Star Trek! Original Series?

Isaac said...

The movie~

Isaac said...

p.s. thanks for reading allie~~