Saturday, February 16, 2008

It's a Friday!

Got up at 11. Today it required the alarm to wake me up~

Had a wonderful bowl of multigrain cheerios, and a croissant for breakfast. Then headed off to College International for my Functional Analysis class.

It was absolutely brilliant. The professor really makes analysis, a class the students typically are not as interested in as algebra, exciting. We talked about the completion of not-complete metric spaces. Then he veered into set theory- a class I think I can now take, because the hours will probably be changed! And talked about the axiom of choice, a somewhat controversial proposition, and the amazing property of ZFC that follows that you can break a ball of radius 1 and construct a ball of radius 2 from the debris! We also talked about the homework, which I had not yet looked it- it is only optional. I think I could handle the course, but I will definitely at least audit at.

Then, I ate a salami sandwich, and was off to the Renyi Institute and CHA. Today was really intense. We talked about and defined what modules are, and defined that representations of G (over F) are simply FG-modules! I didn't completely understand, and I need the book. I think I will buy it soon. We proved Mashke's Theorem as well. I followed some of the proof but not everything. I am still hopeful about this class. We got our first homework, and I will not take this class only if it turns out to be impossibly hard, because this subject matter seems more interesting to me.

Afterwards headed to a pizza place with some friends and had half a 'Bangkok Pizza'. It had pineapples on it and was tasty. The name is still strange sounding, though. Went back and wasted some time, ate some sandwiches to finish off my dinner, and went off to a BSM party. Spent that time eating some snacks, including chocolates- some with irish creme!- and talking with friends. It wasn't bad.

Proudly found my own way back to the flat myself. Took the tram back 1 stop, and then back onto the metro for 2. Now I'm more used to the public transportation. Its unfortunate the subway system closes up a little after 11, I'm sure I got on one of the last trains, since mine departed at 10:59.

I'm much more comfortable with the little parts of the city that I've explored up to now. I still have a lot more to do. This weekend I'm sure I'll be inundated with homework, however. This is especially because I've sat in on 9 classes last week. I have homework in FUN, COM1A, THC, SET, HUN1, AAL, NUM1A, CHA, and LOG. I need to get a lot done, and start making decisions about what to take. I must make a decision by Friday. If I take a 6th math class that will cost $350 extra- but this is not a big deal, since the school will reimburse me. Choices choices choices.... it doesn't look like a fun weekend is ahead of me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and it doesn't look like a fun feb break ahead of me....