Wednesday, February 27, 2008

a fun day

Woke up at 9:30, did a bunch of h/w in the morning. My mind was doing a lot better. It was warm today and I wore a t-shirt and sandals. Hungarians apparently don't wear sandals now.... but I do!

Went to SET. Had to go across the college to find a classroom in an apartment- it was nice, though. We played with the notion of aleph not and c a lot. c^2=c! It was fun.

Had the HUN1 language class. Learned how to order food and whatnot from different places. We went to the grand market to practice. I had a cabbage pastry (which was absolutely delicious! and it tasted some like sauerkraut) and bought fish balls, yay. It reminds me a lot of China- i.e. lots of fruit stands, fresh fish to buy, but not as crowded~ and Hungarians like pickles a lot, so there is a lot of pickle smells!

Went back home, cooked dinner. Panfried shrimp and fish balls! I was planning to eat it with rice, but it smelled weird. So I cooked some ramen instead. Sometimes I feel like if this whole math thing doesn't work out, I could be a chef! haha~

Didn't feel like working. But I did finish up some number theory. Then I watched Transformers. It was AWESOME! I didn't go in expecting much, but it was a lot of action, and a lot of fun.
Tomorrow I have to get up even earlier to deal with the Hungarian bureaucracy. =(


Anonymous said...


is that c^2 =c

or c^2 = c!.

Because of its c^2 = c, then c is idempotent (as you would remember from math econ or algebra if you were here)

Isaac said...

I was excited. sorry~

c is talking about the cardinality for R- i.e. the contiuum. i'm sure its not called idempotent as well~ (i did wikipedia idempotent and rings stuff came up!)