Sunday, February 3, 2008

A lazy, lazy day

So... I set my alarm for 9:30, wanting to go visit Buda today. (Buda is west of the Danube, Pest is east of it- where I am.) I snoozed and snoozed until 2:15!!

For some reason it seems my bed is very, very conducive to both sleeping- but especially dreaming. I remember dreaming about Professor Vinson being a baseball pitcher up on a high raft, and pitching really fast to me. I had another dream where the Terminator girl from the Sarah Connor Chronicles was kicking some serious ass.

After all that excitement- woke up, watched the second to last episode of Moonlight, read The Minotaur, reviewed some of my analysis book, and cooked myself a tasty dinner of tofu, and then watched the new episode of LOST- who are the last three Lost six??

Hope to finish the analysis book tonight- I'm halfway done, and I might sit through some of the Super Bowl as well. I believe it starts at 11:30 PM here.

Tomorrow I'm planning on class from 8 AM- 4 PM. 8-10 AM Classical Algebra, a 3 week class with review of easy math stuff- such as polynomials over fields, 10-12 of Functional Analysis, a class I'm planning on taking, 12-2 Combinatorics, a class I'd like to see how goes, and then Mathematical Physics (Quantum) from 2-4. I hope I have time inbetween classes for some food breaks!

Tomorrow the math starts.... I am excited~ I am a little nervous about getting up though! I will be getting up when most of you go to bed!


Anonymous said...

I hope you had a great day of classes!

Aren't Polynomials over fields the best?

Isaac said...

haha. not there~ mastered that yet?