Sunday, February 17, 2008

Tomorrow's Monday? No way!

Got up at 10:30 AM, with the help of my trusty cell phone alarm.

Again did a lot of work today. Finished up my Combinatorics homework, wasn't too hard. Also did a problem of Algebra, which involved copying the exact number six from homework 12 from last term. I didn't start my Character Theory yet- I really need the book to work on the problems, but I think after I succesfully attack these problems, I probably just won't work on advanced algebra any more.

Had a good lunch of a gouda cheese and meat sandwich. Got some new bread, my last bread was very nutty and dark, and was much too dense for my taste. This bread is white, and has a little bit hard crust, but the inside is delightfully fluffy.
Read some, looked at functional analysis as well. I don't think the problems are that hard, but I don't think I'll have the time to work on this class. I am a little intimidated by the format, so I'm becoming more and more convinced that auditing this class is the right choice for me.

Worked on applying to another REU.
Cooked a relatively complicated dinner. I had egg noodles, with fish, and spinach. This is the first time I've had fish (this was frozen) in this country which doesn't touch the ocean. It wasn't bad, but it was a little bit too fishy. The creamed spinach was funny because it was frozen into heart shapes.

Had a good dessert capping off my meal as well. It even had some pineapple bits in the cake!

Watched the second to last episode of Prison Break (will they finally break out?!), and worked on some set theory.

Tomorrow I have CLA, FUN, COM1A. MAP is also offered, but I again won't go. Last Thursday the professor came up to me, thinking that I was in the class. He had talked to me a lot in the info session and had showed my interest. I didn't want to take his class, but I didn't want to tell him. It was awkward. I guess I'll send him an e-mail sometime.

I have to register for classes by Thursday at noon. I'll see how THC goes Tuesday and unless its really bad, I'll just stick with that class instead of LOG. It seems I finally am having some idea of what I want.
Good night~


Anonymous said...

Horray. Which REU's are you applying for?

Isaac said...

This time I applied for the one at Valparaiso. What are your plans for this summer?