Friday, February 22, 2008

my thursday....

So I spent a looong day at the College.

Combinatorics was at 8 AM. Today we talked about exponential generating functions. Not too interesting, but we did solve an interesting problem with them. We proved that the # of partitions of n into distinct terms would always be the same as the # of partitions of n into odd terms.

Had a two hour break, but still had logic homework to do, so messed around with that. Bought my Logic book as well. I got it used so it was 60% of the original price.

Then was another number theory problem session. I wasn't as sharp with the problems today. I would keep on breaking the number up into 2k or 2k+1, then breaking the k up, and was able to only prove certain cases. The answer came much easily with the use of modulus.
Then was logic. This was a satisfying class, since today we had defined enough to define what a group was, which I didn't expect, and was interesting. Groups are elementary, but the natural numbers are not! We also did isomorphisms as well, proving equivalence relations. I liked it when we used a bunch of symbols to show a single number. For example, what is the number x for the statement "for every y, if x=!y, then x less than y"?
Then was the feedback session. Humke was there. So was Deszo, the head of the program, who this term is at Cambridge. They weren't too happy, since Conjecture and Proof, their flagstone, only had 3 people registered. Also there were 18 people in the Combinatorics A section, and 3 in the B section. He said he would tell the A professor to move faster to make people switch.
This lasted much longer than I expected. At least there was snacks! I got a chain of people to pass a 2-liter of coke up the rows to me. That was fun. I relieved a lot of people's thirst.
Then I watched Lost, cooked some good dinner (tofu with vegetables with turkey, and rice).
Then was off to do homework....
Now I must live my Friday~

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