I started taking pictures of my journey to Gellert Hill, and everything was going as expected. I was seeing lots of tourists.
Near Frederick Tere subway.
Then, while walking up a few stairs, the unthinkable happened. The camera strap around my neck came loose, and my new 300+ dollar camera crashed to the ground. This obviously made me very unhappy. I tried turning it on and off, but it the lens would just extend up and down. I was furious at Kodak for making such a poor quality camera strap. I had followed the instructions how to assemble it as well. I had to resist the urge to throw it into the Danube, seeing it make a teeny tiny splash. I saw the LCD working for a couple of seconds the hundreds of times I tried turning it on. I will be sending it to Kodak for repairs, I will make this be covered by the warranty.
Needless to say, I cut my journey short. I then proceeded to a very touristy restaurant, with a $30 Sunday brunch. Unfortunately I had only brought $20, but had proceeded to spend that on a lovely two legs of duck with a pastry. Yes, I wished I could have taken pictures of it.... The duck may have been a little dry, but it was very tasty indeed, and it was exactly what I need to relax.
I went home, and it was a while before I could bring myself to do some homework. Still didn't finish the Combo homework, but yay for the professor not caring!
Watched the second to last episode of Prison Break. It was good!
At a yummy dinner of Spinach Fusilli with ground turkey. Fortunately I still have my trusty Pentax. Its zoom is only 3x, compared to 12x that the Kodak had. But it will still take great foo
d pictures! It was very tasty, much better than the picture actually looks.
Also applied to some more REUs. Finished off my part of the application to Lafayette.
Then did a lot of logic, including reading about structure homomorphisms and isomorphisms. That was fun!
Did a lot of cleaning as well. My room has been looking like an explosion. Take a look... Now I am decided about what classes to take as well, my life can get much more organized. yay!
And OH. I forgot to mention, yesterday at the store I found Hagen Daas ice cream. It was exciting. They even had Bailey's flavor, which I've only had in London at the Theater. One pint was about $12, though. Maybe when it gets really really hot, I'll reward myself. ;)
Unfortunately tomorrow I have makeup classes. Two to be precise- number theory and combinatorics. I will attend number theory. If I am not there, I will miss the Csaba-ness and not get what we did in class from the notes. 8 AM class on a Monday really really stinks. Well, at least I'm done by 2!
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