Thursday, February 28, 2008

another long day....

COA at 8 in the morning. Today we did even more with characteristic polynomials, and even solved a Diff EQ, which was a very easy one. The process is a big complicated but with practice it should be fine.

Then I got caught up on the Num Theory class I missed yesterday. Tried to work on Indiana REU application, but after an hour-ish of writing, accidentaly hit backspace and lost all my work. Foolishly writing on an IE page!

Paid my $350 to take an extra math class! Had a not very good lunch of hard macaroni pasta.

Then had NUM1. Ah, number theory makes me happy. Highlights include Wilson's Theorem, and the fact that a number can be written as the sum of two squares iff the primes in the form 4k-1 are raised to an even power. We talked a bit about groups and stuff as well- referring to Fermat's Theorem, but Csaba was convinced that the number theory approach was much more beautiful.

Then was LOG. The professor had misplaced our homework from last week, haha. Today only 3 people came to class. And 1 might drop. Which means the class may not eventually exist. How sad. Anyway, today we discussed Godel's Completeness Theorem in depth.

Went to a friend's to 'work' on CHA. I sat and watched while they thought. I really didn't know what was going on......

Had a sandwich for dinner with the leftover shrimps and fish balls. Finished applying to the REU at Indiana! Which will be the last one I apply to, unless I don't get into any by the end of next month.

Tried to do homework, but was tired. Instead cleaned- washed the dishes and took out the trash. Its been a looong time since I did that.

Then I wasted time looking at operas playing in Hungary. Their is a showing of Carmen in the middle of April which is supposed to be utterly extravagant. Cheapest tickets are $30. I almost bought a ticket, but then they asked me for the postcode. I don't know my postcode. So.... one day soon I will go to the venue to buy a ticket!

Tomorrow I will get up early since a friend from highschool, who is studying in Prague, is visiting me. Her train arrives at 7 AM, and I'm meeting her at the station at 8. So I must get up early yet again! Otherwise I would be up now trying to finish homework. Instead I get to sleep!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Algebra proofs for both Wilson's theorem and Fermat's little Theorem are much better than the number theory proof!